• Welcome to the Fantasy Writing Forums. Register Now to join us!

Hail and well met!


I saw an ad for this forum on my Eposic site, and the ad looked interesting. After checking out the forum and the articles on the home page, I'm impressed. I do keep myself pretty busy with projects, but I need to take a few moments occasionally and be social, eh. Maybe I can learn some new stuff or help someone else learn some new stuff. Ugh.


Thanks, all, for the welcoming words. Hope you enjoy my blog, Johnny Cosmo. My son writes for the blog, too. (I'm menslar on the blog, and he's tearsofash.) We've been on a music kick lately, as you can see/hear. I'll look for a more appropriate thread to talk about my thoughts on how writing for any type of blog can be of help to an aspiring fiction writer.