On another thread, a member gave some advice I have seen often: an important way to learn how to write is to read, read, read. Stephen King is often quoted on this.
I'm 66 years old. I've been consuming books by the armload for six decades, across a wide range of genres. I'm sure this must have helped me in some obscure way, but none of it helped in any specific way until I actually began writing. Even then, after ten years of writing seriously, I can count on one hand the number of actual techniques I've noticed. I have never understood how reading was supposed to help writing.
I hear the advice so often, though, and from such accomplished writers, I feel I must be missing something important. So I ask here: what specifically have you learned about writing from your reading? Here I mean reading fiction, of course. Doesn't have to be in-genre.
I'm 66 years old. I've been consuming books by the armload for six decades, across a wide range of genres. I'm sure this must have helped me in some obscure way, but none of it helped in any specific way until I actually began writing. Even then, after ten years of writing seriously, I can count on one hand the number of actual techniques I've noticed. I have never understood how reading was supposed to help writing.
I hear the advice so often, though, and from such accomplished writers, I feel I must be missing something important. So I ask here: what specifically have you learned about writing from your reading? Here I mean reading fiction, of course. Doesn't have to be in-genre.