Vita Numinous
Heya! I forgot to introduce myself. How rude!
I'm a 33 year old wife, mom, massage therapist, and writer living in Louisville, KY. My work tends more towards horror or dark fantasy, but I also like more traditional fantasy, steampunk, sci-fi, and can even be caught reading romance and true crime now and then.
I have some cowritten work on hold while my good friend gets some grad work in order, though I'm busy with a book project of my own in the meantime. I am not published (yet), but I do have some short stories out there trying to get themselves in print.
Books/authors/movies/television that have caught my attenion;
Robin Hobb's farseer books, Anne Rice's first three vampire books, Laurell K. Hamilton, Stephen King, The Last Unicorn (book and movie), Labyrinth, Pan's Labyrinth, Legend, The Dark Crystal, Serenity, Firefly, Dollhouse, Damnable, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Charles deLint, Silent Hill, Lord of the Rings movies... there are tons more, but there's a start.
I'm a 33 year old wife, mom, massage therapist, and writer living in Louisville, KY. My work tends more towards horror or dark fantasy, but I also like more traditional fantasy, steampunk, sci-fi, and can even be caught reading romance and true crime now and then.
I have some cowritten work on hold while my good friend gets some grad work in order, though I'm busy with a book project of my own in the meantime. I am not published (yet), but I do have some short stories out there trying to get themselves in print.
Books/authors/movies/television that have caught my attenion;
Robin Hobb's farseer books, Anne Rice's first three vampire books, Laurell K. Hamilton, Stephen King, The Last Unicorn (book and movie), Labyrinth, Pan's Labyrinth, Legend, The Dark Crystal, Serenity, Firefly, Dollhouse, Damnable, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Charles deLint, Silent Hill, Lord of the Rings movies... there are tons more, but there's a start.