Hi guys, I came to this forum because I feel like I'm 'missing' a step in the whole getting published process but I don't know what it is. I've written a query letter, had it critiqued even. I've even sent out to a few literary agents but I still feel like I'm missing a piece of 'the puzzle', the step, and I don't know what it is. I certainly don't expect to get published right away. Unfortunately, my life is very busy, I'm a sped teacher trying to raise 4 kids. I started writing my story because it's been in my head for 30 years, the characters, the plot, the world. When, I had my breast cancer diagnosis (2 years ago and I appear to be cured, thank God), I started researching the causes. Among the many theories about breast cancer personality and living with high level of stress, I also came across this idea that if a creative person doesn't let their craft out, they will get sick... It struck me hard... So, I made a commitment to myself, every night for one hour or 1 page I would write the story... Sometimes, the scenes write themselves, other times not so much but it keeps going... I finished the first book that came out to 225,000 words... After rereading and editing I moved onto book 2 which is now around 150,000 words and not done. I thought well maybe I need to just do it and send out my query letter and get the rejection and face that fear. It's happened and I plan to keep trying. I just can't fight this feeling that there is some step in this process, I'm missing and I don't know what it it. I unfortunately, don't have the time in my life to build a base for marketing, nor have I learned to do that or even have a community to turn to (part of why I joined this group to at least talk to other people about all of this). Anyone else feel this way? Thank you in advance for any wisdom, shared experiences, or advice.