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Weird Dreams


Last night I had a weird dream.

I found a friend asleep encased in glass in a cellar after he had gone missing for some time. I woke him up with a little difficulty and he stepped through the glass a little annoyed about being woken up so early. He said, 'I'm sleeping into the future. I found this...' and pulled out an old bronze amulet on a chain around his neck. 'It lets you go to sleep and wake up in the future.' He handed me one. 'Try it.'

So i sat down with this amulet around my neck, and he sat down on the other side of a table, and we slept. Time went by and I woke, looked around, he was still sleeping, the amulet was now partly in my hand and part embedded in the table. I pulled it out, and the table around it sort went all gooey and sticky like it was stuck in a massive pile of chewing gum and to clean it, I hit it on the table.

I was transported to some sort of Victorian waiting room at the gates of heaven, where I met an angel in a black suit, and had an argument with him over something he hadn't done. I was very angry (though can't think why) then I stormed off back to the cellar where I went back to sleep.
I once had a dream where I was in the first dungeon of the Legend of Zelda 1, saw the Wallmasters moving all around me.


So, I have this recurring dream theme. Wastelands. I usually dream about where I live or the city nearby as an overgrown, green, post-apocalyptic place with cracked sidewalks and bulging parking lots. I'm alone, of course, and there are questionable stains on everything. Leaves carpet everything. There are no animals.

There's these things. They're human-ish. They've had their faces torn off, big pits of puffy red flesh where the facial features ought to be, except for the mouth. The teeth are blackened and they're locked in an eternal scream of pain, but no noise comes from them. They're naked - their groin is as their face, raw, red, bloody. It looks like their heart has been torn out, as well. Their arms are twisted behind their backs, removed at the elbow. Chains bolted into the humerus drag behind them, and there railroad stakes stabbed through the chain links into massive, bloody red hearts they drag behind them. They wander in the streets.

Inside buildings are thin, bald, naked men with only a single eye in their neck, no other facial features, save for a small, pin-sized hole in the middle of the face. From this they can extrude a seeking, shivering black antenna, which they use to lap up black liquid that they find beneath torn up floorboards or holes in tile floors.

I can buy things at a market. The stalls are ragged, made of sheet metal, and staffed by masses of teeth that clack out their words in a cacophony of chittering pops. They want a specific kind of money, though. There's a kind of fly that buzzes around out in the swamps. You have to get it to bite you, let the poison turn to coins in your veins, and let the coins worm through your innards until they come out your mouth or your eyes, and collect them up to use at the market.

There's this other guy. I call him ass-eyes because he's got these nasty, diseased anuses for eyes and black streaks down his face like swollen tears of shit have been rolling down them. No lips on this guy. No nose, or even hint of a nose. He doesn't have a whole lot of skin, so he's heated up some metal and roof tiles and the like and seared them onto his body. He's sewn bedsheets on the rest of him. They're gross, laden with pus and infected yellow tissue. He's dripping tar, shit, and wound-cheese all the time, and he eats the hearts. They can't run away from him, though, so he gorges himself, gets fat, and lays in the dark until the flies have turned all his flesh into coins, and he buries them under trees covered in mouths that whisper the words to forgotten songs that I can never remember when I wake up.
So, I have this recurring dream theme. Wastelands. I usually dream about where I live or the city nearby as an overgrown, green, post-apocalyptic place with cracked sidewalks and bulging parking lots. I'm alone, of course, and there are questionable stains on everything. Leaves carpet everything. There are no animals.

There's these things. They're human-ish. They've had their faces torn off, big pits of puffy red flesh where the facial features ought to be, except for the mouth. The teeth are blackened and they're locked in an eternal scream of pain, but no noise comes from them. They're naked - their groin is as their face, raw, red, bloody. It looks like their heart has been torn out, as well. Their arms are twisted behind their backs, removed at the elbow. Chains bolted into the humerus drag behind them, and there railroad stakes stabbed through the chain links into massive, bloody red hearts they drag behind them. They wander in the streets.

Inside buildings are thin, bald, naked men with only a single eye in their neck, no other facial features, save for a small, pin-sized hole in the middle of the face. From this they can extrude a seeking, shivering black antenna, which they use to lap up black liquid that they find beneath torn up floorboards or holes in tile floors.

I can buy things at a market. The stalls are ragged, made of sheet metal, and staffed by masses of teeth that clack out their words in a cacophony of chittering pops. They want a specific kind of money, though. There's a kind of fly that buzzes around out in the swamps. You have to get it to bite you, let the poison turn to coins in your veins, and let the coins worm through your innards until they come out your mouth or your eyes, and collect them up to use at the market.

There's this other guy. I call him ass-eyes because he's got these nasty, diseased anuses for eyes and black streaks down his face like swollen tears of shit have been rolling down them. No lips on this guy. No nose, or even hint of a nose. He doesn't have a whole lot of skin, so he's heated up some metal and roof tiles and the like and seared them onto his body. He's sewn bedsheets on the rest of him. They're gross, laden with pus and infected yellow tissue. He's dripping tar, shit, and wound-cheese all the time, and he eats the hearts. They can't run away from him, though, so he gorges himself, gets fat, and lays in the dark until the flies have turned all his flesh into coins, and he buries them under trees covered in mouths that whisper the words to forgotten songs that I can never remember when I wake up.

...What on earth do you do before bed?? Maybe you should consider some, uhh...well, a glass of warm milk? therapy? yikes man


Queen of Titania
Hello Raygungoth, and Welcome to Mythic Scribes!

That dream which you described is so rich in clear and detailed imagery that I am surprised you can remember every little detail of it. That's something that happens for real when a dream is recurrent, and we visit the same place again and all over again... An extremely creepy dreamworld, and one that would have loads of potential for Fantasy stories by the way.

Do you plan to write any stories based on that world and the creatures that you have seen in there?

Please tell us about the feelings: While visiting that place and witnessing those things... do you feel scared? Threatened? Fascinated? Or perhaps you just feel curious and happy, despite the considerable horrors of that world?

How many times has this recurrent dream happened to you?
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Sometimes it's scary, sometimes it's interesting. The scary dreams I have are usually about failure - losing money, losing home, losing family, mostly about loss, but altogether real, or potentially real, happenings. The instant I see a monster, a creature, or a tree covered in bright little ribbons growing children from its boughs as if they were fruit, I know it's a dream, that I'm going to find black stains on the walls or shipworms crawling just under the drywall.

And yeah, I've definitely been thinking about cannibalizing bits of them. Some of them already show up in my cartography. Like this map of my hometown and environs.


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Queen of Titania
That's a very beautiful and artistic map, congratulations!

You know, exactly the opposite happens to me: In dreams, I can encounter the most magical and supernatural situations and monsters and I just accept them as my reality. The dreams that really scare me are of that kind, often involving dark witches and demons, and dreams about realistic dangers never have any strong effect on me.

The other night I died in a disaster that involved a very realistic combination of earthquake and volcanic explosion, I just burned alive in front of my entire family and the dream was somehow enjoyable to me instead of frightening.
I just had a dream where I was doctor strange and Mr. Popo from team four stars dragon ball z abridged was taunting me because I didn’t have sling ring.

J Q Kaiser

Here's a fun one that maybe one day I will turn into a book. This is a recurring dream for me. I wake up and I know I'm in the afterlife. I'm in a blank void, all white. I'm guided by a, for lack of a better word, angel from the void into a massive library filled with columns and three or four-story high ceilings. My guide tells me that this is my afterlife; a library filled with all the books I've ever read. I am free to spend eternity not only rereading them but experiencing them. I can jump right into a book and live its chapters and scenes. And, even better, my library is connected to countless other libraries because anyone else who read that same book can jump into it with me from their own afterlife. Which means my library doesn't have to be a lonely experience as they can visit through the connections made by the books we shared in life.
Here's a fun one that maybe one day I will turn into a book. This is a recurring dream for me. I wake up and I know I'm in the afterlife. I'm in a blank void, all white. I'm guided by a, for lack of a better word, angel from the void into a massive library filled with columns and three or four-story high ceilings. My guide tells me that this is my afterlife; a library filled with all the books I've ever read. I am free to spend eternity not only rereading them but experiencing them. I can jump right into a book and live its chapters and scenes. And, even better, my library is connected to countless other libraries because anyone else who read that same book can jump into it with me from their own afterlife. Which means my library doesn't have to be a lonely experience as they can visit through the connections made by the books we shared in life.

well now i know where i want to go when i die


Queen of Titania
Hello J Q Kaiser!

You have a very cool name, and your avatar is nice too. Welcome to Mythic Scribes! The Dreamscape is one of our new Forums and activity here has been slow so far, but a good number of active members share a passion about dreams and I hope that this place is going to be very active someday.

You definitely should write a story based on that very magical dream that you have shared with us.

In dreams, having the knowledge that you are dead is unusual. It happens to me sometimes, but I have not managed to travel to some pleasant Afterlife so far... your Afterlife library is just wow, what a beautiful and fascinating Afterlife world!

I really want to have something like that in my own Afterlife.

I once visited a very large and peaceful castle surrounded by fog, gardens and forest. The place was cold and lonely, but it just felt so happy and welcoming that I wanted to stay there forever... I got to explore many rooms and hallways inside of that place, and something told me that there I would find anything that I could ever want or need.

Who knows, perhaps that was my Afterlife dream...
I had a sequel dream to a dimension hopping dream I had. This time my wife was the dimension hopper and pulled hapless me into her misadventures which included bringing about the end of the world and evacuation of an entire planet. It ended with me joining some shadowy entity bent on stopping this kind of destruction
I have so many weird dreams that it's hard to choose.

When I was really little I had this recurring dream that my brother transformed our house into the Hulk and then chased me, and for some reason the whole world was just purple.

I also had this dream when I was super tiny that it was the great depression in New York and my mom was haggling with a store keeper to try and buy me a fur coat, I then saw some little kid outside and snuck away to play with him.
After I woke up I became convinced that this dream was reality, so convinced that to this day when I think of memories from my childhood this dream shows up more clear than many of my real memories.


I dreamt that I was on trial for murder, but it was a so called "sovereign citizen" court and although I was found guilty and sentenced to 25 years to life in prison, I got up and said "I do not consent" and walked away and nobody tried to stop me.


I've spent the last week doing little but solving circuits in preparation for a test in my electrical engineering class. The test was yesterday. Last night I got about five hours of sleep because every time I closed my eyes I would soon be assaulted with visions of wiring diagrams.

Miles Lacey

Last night I dreamt my house was being pounded by a storm with hail. It was being shaken so violently that it was shaken from its foundations and began to slide down a hill as if it was on a roller coaster. I woke before I saw what happened but I think it ploughed through another house as if it was made out of ice block sticks before I woke up..


Had a strange dream last night. I was walking down a hallway in a library. It wasn't my hometown's library or any other library I've ever been in--instead of the bad 70s linoleum and cinderblock walls that are the hallmark of most public buildings around here, the walls were paneled with dark wood and the floor was carpeted with a woven red rug. Basically like a library out of a book.

At the end of the hallway, where there should have been another room there was just empty space beyond the doorway. Just dense black space. A voice from the darkness was telling me to keep walking forward. When I passed through the doorway, I woke up. It was 5 am and the smoke alarm was beeping because it was out of battery.
Had a strange dream last night. I was walking down a hallway in a library. It wasn't my hometown's library or any other library I've ever been in--instead of the bad 70s linoleum and cinderblock walls that are the hallmark of most public buildings around here, the walls were paneled with dark wood and the floor was carpeted with a woven red rug. Basically like a library out of a book.

At the end of the hallway, where there should have been another room there was just empty space beyond the doorway. Just dense black space. A voice from the darkness was telling me to keep walking forward. When I passed through the doorway, I woke up. It was 5 am and the smoke alarm was beeping because it was out of battery.

You entered the Room of Eternal Knowledge but your brain could not comprehend it, hence why it appeared black and you awoke when you entered.