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I found after a month if nit wearing a watch my time sense returned, so I was rarely more than 5 minutes out. I thought of it being like eyes adjusting to the dark.


They say you're chronically late because you have a self-centered self-important sense or simply don't care about the appointment or who you have the appointment with.

I knew a guy who was obsessive with everything except getting places on time. I guess you have to sacrifice somewhere. I remember him showing up to lunch and I already asked for the check. That was the last time, never been to a lunch with him since. It might also be genetic since his twin was the same way.


Troglodytic Trouvère
Article Team
They say you're chronically late because you have a self-centered self-important sense or simply don't care about the appointment or who you have the appointment with.

I knew a guy who was obsessive with everything except getting places on time. I guess you have to sacrifice somewhere. I remember him showing up to lunch and I already asked for the check. That was the last time, never been to a lunch with him since. It might also be genetic since his twin was the same way.
Punctuality is cultural. In many cultures it would be inappropriate to show up on time. Not in the Netherlands of course, Dutch people are sticklers for punctuality. Playing loose with time is more acceptable in my province.
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Myth Weaver
They say you're chronically late because you have a self-centered self-important sense or simply don't care about the appointment or who you have the appointment with.
Mostly I am late, cause I am disorganized, and dont have a good morning routine. Staying up late, and trying to get to work on time dont go together ;)


The best time is 3-6am either I have to wait up for it or wake up to it. It's also fun to go to bed knowing I can sleep in as late as I want. I've slept 12 hours once and still had all day ahead of me.

Daylight is like artificial light, except it's free and much brighter.


Troglodytic Trouvère
Article Team
The best time is 3-6am either I have to wait up for it or wake up to it. It's also fun to go to bed knowing I can sleep in as late as I want. I've slept 12 hours once and still had all day ahead of me.

Daylight is like artificial light, except it's free and much brighter.
And therefore the night is better. No bothersome daylight to awaken the floaters in my sight.


Myth Weaver
Its the much brighter part, I dont like. I prefer just the warm glow of my computer screen and not much else.


Troglodytic Trouvère
Article Team
Agreed, brightness is not a desirable feature. Than again, my ideal weather is foggy, overcast and cold.