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Myth Weaver
A goldfinch once carried an apple.
I went after it, because the fruit looked sweet
But when I drew near, she changed
And woman of dark hair and deepest eyes
Held the fruit to me

She said take it serpent, for the fruit is good
But I said woman, it is for me to deceive thee.
And she smiled and turned the garden dark
All things I knew became upside down and opposite 🙃
She beckoned come to me and taste it now

Then in her hand was an apple bit.
She said I'd lost, but it was not true
For all things changed
In a garden with an apple and a window
And a serpent and a goldfinch.

Mr. M. L.

Are we doing tounge twisters now? I have one.

Simon thought of a synonym for cinnamon, but Simone thought of Simon's cinnamon synonym simultaneously.

Made it up myself.

Mr. M. L.

Well it was a witch that placed the pellet with the poison.

Though if you want to kill someone I think it's better if they are both poisoned while you have built up an immunity to iocaine powder.