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Troglodytic Trouvère
Article Team
I am fluent in Banchurian, Bandarin, Bantonese, Bangali and Sbanish. In each language it is well understood that victory belongs to the Ban.


The moth has escaped again.
Why is the word ban echoing in my mind? That's why the moth has escaped. It uses every moment when I lose focus.


Myth Weaver
Thats very strange. In my language book it says Ban = second place.

I wonder now if Arachne is a blue moth, or if we are looking through their eyes at their next prey.
Computers do attract bugs and get attacked by viruses so quite like fruit in those respects. As to computers ripening, how else would you describe the evolution of microsoft products? Now ripe cheese is where its really at, gorgonzola, Mmmm...
Thats very strange. In my language book it says Ban = second place.

I wonder now if Arachne is a blue moth, or if we are looking through their eyes at their next prey.
Not sure if there's blue moths but there's blue butterflies like the blue fritillary

Mr. M. L.

Saying "there's" when one ought to say "there are" is a pet peeve of mine and all who do so should automatically lose.

And they do, because I win again.

Mr. M. L.


I actually used to do it all the time as a kid and it drove my brother crazy. But then I was an aid in an English classroom and the teacher used "there's incorrectly. Ever since then it has bugged me.

Unfortunately it is a rare person who actually uses it properly. I foresee "there are" going extinct.


There is no such thing as right or wrong when it comes to vying. But, is there a second place? There is only one and the first for me in everything.