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I like the warmth of summer but where I live summer rarely goes above 80 and only a few days at a time. The water is always cold, so the night is almost always cold. There's a monsoonal moisture from the south in August/September but that's also nice here because of that constantly cool water. Without AC the house would get too warm, over 80 and humid, but it would take a few days to get there.

I would also walk at 3am, but in the summers lately we've had mosquitoes. That's new. I go workout three days a week from ~330-530. It starts to get crowded after that.

Mr. M. L.

Speaking of being late, I'm back and apparently late. For some reason I stop getting notifications after a while and so I fall way behind on the thread.


Troglodytic Trouvère
Article Team
Some people manage to operate their computers with an apple. Odd folks all in all, but it does seem to be a suitable alternative for those who like to be bereft of windows.


Troglodytic Trouvère
Article Team
To be fair, if apple computer screens are akin to iPhones, they'd break even if you didn't let them fall. They are brittle things.