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Myth Weaver
Twinkle twinkle little bear
Your posts so far have nothing there
Maybe you should talk to Mr M L
Let him grade you for a spell
Twinkle twinkle little bear
Id let you win, but it wouldn’t be fair.
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Troglodytic Trouvère
Article Team
Twinkle twinkle little bear
Your posts so far have nothing there
Maybe you should talk to Mr M L
Let him grade you for a spell
Twinkle twinkle little bear
Id let you win, but it wouldn’t be fair.
Well done. 2.5

Mr. M. L.

Well done Dragon
You got a 2.5
But to Dragon that is laggin'
Dragon wants to feel alive
To do that he needs a 3
But first to 3 is me


Troglodytic Trouvère
Article Team
Hmm, I shall give it a 2 after thinking it over. I was a bit too quick to judge when it's clearly ABABCC.

For giving out a verdict to quickly, Ban receives -1.
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Troglodytic Trouvère
Article Team
As for reaching the three. Here in the Netherlands we grade things from zero to ten. A six is a pass and a ten is nigh impossible, unless the grader truly has no other excuse. In uni I was told a few times that nines are for teachers and tens are for god. So too, the three won't be reached... Unless you reach apotheosis.

Mr. M. L.

A 1?! Might as well put me in the the same category as Bear.
Very well, let it be so, I am humbled. I will take up the burden and shall Bear it. "Sigh"...


Troglodytic Trouvère
Article Team
A 1?! Might as well put me in the the same category as Bear.
Very well, let it be so, I am humbled. I will take up the burden and shall Bear it. "Sigh"...
Dear Mr. M. L.

We regret to inform you that the National Ban Commission has made a grievous mistake pertaining to your grading. As you will see in the related comment, your grade has been adjusted to a more reasonable two. The National Ban Commission wishes to extend our sincere apologies for categorising you with Mr. Bear.

Best regards,

Commissioner Ban of the National Ban Commission

Mr. M. L.

Praise the gods, the muses have not forsaken me!
Though clearly I have much to learn before they bestow upon me their full power. I shall strive to be worthy of their kindness.
Sing to me oh Muse, and with your aid I shall receive the points of 2, infinity, and beyond!
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Troglodytic Trouvère
Article Team
For legal reasons the National Ban Commission hereby apologises for not respecting your anonimity, even if you did nothing to hide your identity mr. Pmmg.

Mr. M. L.

You're almost there Bear. One more "ok" and you've got it.

Wow Dragon, a -4! I figured one could only get a -3 minimum as 3 is the maximum. Guess I was wrong.


Troglodytic Trouvère
Article Team
In case someone requests a point deduction, we at the National Ban Commission are happy to oblige, even if this exceeds the customary -3 minimum.


Troglodytic Trouvère
Article Team
+1 for honestly stating one's doubt over the neutrality of the National Ban Commission. As a National organisation working in an International context, we are aware of our potential shortcomings in terms of representation. Thank you for clearly communicating your doubts.