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Myth Weaver
The National Ban Commission is just and fair. I appreciate them hearing my concerns.

Mary had a little lamb
Whose name was Ban, you know
And every where that Mary went
Ban was sure to go.

She took herself to the commission one day
To complain about their rules
But Ban chose their side and dropped her score
Now Mary has no school.



Troglodytic Trouvère
Article Team
If Mary was able to mistake me for a lamb, I don't think school could have helped her. 2 for Pmmg, a pat on the back and a "cheer up bud" for Mary.


Troglodytic Trouvère
Article Team
The National Ban Commission is a sole proprietorship, but we will take all complaints by members into account.


Myth Weaver
I selectively read that to mean the NBC has decided to over-rule itself, and no longer claims having won.

Which is fitting, they haven't.


Troglodytic Trouvère
Article Team
2 points for twisting words and using the NBC's ammunition against itself.

Mr. M. L.

Why would you do something when you already expect the outcome to be a bad one? Doesn't render the knowing ahead of time pointless? (Or in this case -4 pts.)


Myth Weaver
It is not a fruitless action, it reveals the bias inherent in the system.

I question the fruitless action of giving -4 points when clearly a 3 was earned.


Troglodytic Trouvère
Article Team
To whom it may concern,

After extensive and careful minute-long deliberation we at the National Ban Commission must conclude that we are not interested enough to continue our grading efforts. When asked for commentary, Commissioner Ban, a.k.a myself, said: "Yeah I'm a bit bored mate." As such, it has been unanimously decided that effective immediately our grading efforts shall cease and the organisation shall be disestablished. We extend our deepest apologies to all parties who have been affected, and especially BearBear who lost by a landslide and now has no chance to recover. To him we extend a sincere: :(

Best regards,

Ex-Commissioner Ban of the National Ban Commission