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HELP ME STUDY (Create) MAGE CRAFT (A magic system)


Myth Weaver
I might suggest looking in the players handbook, or other RPG game aids for lists of spells.

I dont know...this is too close to just me doing it for you for me to help. Maybe some of the more RPG interested people might come up with stuff for it.


Myth Weaver
(Like Dnd, But cooler magic)
The problem is that 'game magic,' especially D&D game magic, does not translate well into writing. You can sort of make it work, but there will be many things that you have to get hand-wavy about.

I wrestled with this for a long time in my writing. I wanted something that would fit into a fantasy setting but also be at least semi-plausible in the real world. I ended up looking at the claimed paranormal abilities of people here on Earth - levitation, telekinesis, healing, remote viewing, 'super hypnosis' for want of a better term, influencing the weather, and so on - abilities that had received legitimate investigation, albeit with controversial results. This became the core of my magic system - and yes, many of those abilities have game equivalents.

The next issue I tackled was 'Why were these abilities more potent in the fantasy world than on Earth?' My solution here was the 'ancient aliens' - an utterly nonhuman race that came to Earth thousands of years ago and took tens of thousands of humans to other planets for centuries. These aliens naturally possessed psionic ability - to the extent their tech was based on it. Eventually, they decided that humans made good enough helpers to be genetically imbued with increased psionic potential. The descendants of these imbued folk became wizards when the alien civilization imploded.

What brought that implosion about was an influx of Lovecraftian abominations summoned with 'name magic' - something drawn from real-world magical history - the wizards of antiquity were obsessed with learning the true names of various demons and gods because they believed that knowing those names granted them authority over those beings.

So, as suggested earlier, I recommend you think over the nature of your magic and what it is supposed to be able to do. Did it come about from a fluke mutation? Do the wizards require magic stones or familiars to cast spells? Does some or all of the magic originate with entities in another dimension? If so, what agenda do those entities have?


Not to dampen your spirits, but no one else is doing anything with in character or out of character. You'd probably get better results if you have a conversation with us normally.


Myth Weaver
Up to you, of course, how you wish to engage with the community, but everyone who has replied is a long time veteran of the site. Really, its my goal to try and help steer you where you might find the most help, but I dont get this. If you looking to play a character, you should probably post in the Character Q&A portion of the site. Not many use that anymore, but it is a place for role playing stuff out.

It seems you want people to just suggest a bunch of spells, but...I'm gonna jump past that and say that if the goal is to be a writer, the magic system and spell list matter so very little, and an exercise of making up different ways to say Fire Ball, is just spinning my wheels while on a tread mill. What's the point without a story, and with a story, the system is not likely to make a difference.

I agree with Quesh. I think you might have more luck, if you were more direct about what your were looking for.

There are plenty of places to look up spell lists. This is supposed to be your passion. I would expect you to bring more to the table then make up spells for my categories. What does all of that mean to you? What is the story you want to tell? What is the role of magic in it? What is the world like that has this type of magic in it? Who are the mages you listed and what do they matter to the story? To each other?

Why is your creativity gone? And why do you wish to continue if your not feeling it anymore?
(well, the online spells lists have no "Character". I want whimsy. Also, the spells are a launching point.)

(P.s. I choose to engage like this)


Myth Weaver
It might help if you define what you think as "Cooler".
For me it is small magics, the almost mundane and everyday. As I've written elsewhere in this forum I have a little fire charm that I love so much. I think it just such a cool piece of magic.
I like BIG magic to be hard.
In one of the Eddings' books they had some of the worlds most powerful magicians try to dismiss a magically created mist. The effort almost killed them.
As soon as I read of a battalion of Battle Mages sending a rain of fire on an opposing army, I close the book and walk away.
(For me, The definition of whimsy is something something comedy. Also, By cooler, i mean, Like... Idk. Examples: Fireball: Lame, boring --> Hellfire sphere: Cool sounding, Invokes demons probably)