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Random thoughts


A billion ginger cookies later and my Christmas baking is done. I feel ill from eating so much cookie dough and my dog is in a coma on the kitchen floor.


Myth Weaver
A billion ginger cookies later and my Christmas baking is done. I feel ill from eating so much cookie dough and my dog is in a coma on the kitchen floor.

Join the club. XD Our freezer is three feet deep in Christmas baking of all sorts. We're finally going to start eating through it this weekend.


There are many renditions of Stardust, but I find Bing Crosby's to be the most delicate and easiest to understand.

If you guys get a chance to listen, I think you might like it.

It would be a cool song for a Steam-punk Horror, or just a fun ballad to whistle to.

And now the purple dusk of twilight time
Steals across the meadows of my heart
High up in the sky the little stars climb
Always reminding me that we're apart

You wander down the lane and far away
Leaving me a song that will not die
Love is now the stardust of yesterday
The music of the years gone by

Sometimes I wonder why I spend
The lonely night dreaming of a song
The melody haunts my reverie
And I am once again with you
When our love was new
And each kiss an inspiration
But that was long ago
Now my consolation
Is in the stardust of a song

Beside a garden wall
When stars are bright
You are in my arms
The nightingale tells his fairy tale
A paradise where roses bloom
Though I dream in vain
In my heart it will remain
My stardust melody
The memory of love's refrain


Started my novel exactly three months ago (9/11/15). I'm just shy of 40K words and think I'm more than half done, first draft-wise, since only some of the 'flesh' is getting into this draft. Slowed down a lot lately, but haven't stopped. It doesn't appear I will be able to recapture that initial burst that got me my first 20K or so. At my current rate, I should be able to complete the first draft in another three months, give or take. But, no deadlines. If it takes longer, so be it. One way or another, sooner or later, this thing is going to get done.


Double-post because I just turned in all my English sh*t and now I'm done except for a few more exams next week, yayyyyy! *dies*


I'm about to start the beginning of a very challenging writing day. I'm at a point where I know what needs to happen for the story to work from A to Z, but it needs new scenes added (scenes that I'm just not getting excited and passionate about) and a lot of scenes and such cut out. I can't look at the drafts, it looks like a slaughter house.
The following video shows just how I feel every day during finals season. (I am the yellow haired guy getting kicked)

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It was balmy today and quite unlike an average December. Yet the kids remained oblivious to the elements. Their sole focus was in picking out and decorating a Frazier Fur.

The Pagan tradition lives on, and despite my wallet being fifty dollars lighter, I bask in the consolation of their joy.


Inspiration Quest,
Or, A Shortcut through Musings by MineOwnKing

Commiseration with artistic flair, sets literary peers apart from the world, making us special even on the least productive day. Lately I’ve had leisure to reflect on my goals, and in so doing took time to keep an ear to the track.

I sense a metaphysical vibe in the forum air, viral and contagious. Yep, writer’s block. Inspiration is sought yet words escape the page. The holiday season can be a time of high expectation, a curtain call to the encore of New Year’s Eve. Anxiety intoxicates and we imbibe, oblivious to hangover blues. It builds stronger on the currents of time, cresting atop the falls of Tomorrow-Morrow land.

Forget about Bartertown, you’ve made it to apocalypse paradise. The blank page is not an obstacle but a portal to inestimable potential. My thoughts come cheap but sincere. For what it’s worth, despite our differences, I believe we all share a rare gift and that in itself is a glimmer of hope in the quest for inspiration.

And as imagination bodies forth
The forms of things unknown, the poet’s pen
Turns them to shapes and gives to airy nothing
A local habitation and a name.
— William Shakespeare
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Myth Weaver
Wish I could remember more of my dream from last night. It had Jack Sparrow in it, and some other pirates, and there was something about a specific phrase that would curse anyone who said it. Oh, and a helpful Chippewa tribe.


Article Team
In my town in southern BC we don't even have snow removal equipment. We have, literally, a budget of 0 for snow removal. On the odd event it does snow the entire city shuts down. It's pretty awesome actually.


So...much...snow!! At least 13 inches right now.
That's awesome. Snow is great! It's nice walking outside after a good dump because it's so serene.

We had a couple of storms during the weekend. The winds shake our house constantly. Apparently we'll be getting more due to a typhoon.
That's awesome. Snow is great! It's nice walking outside after a good dump because it's so serene.

We had a couple of storms during the weekend. The winds shake our house constantly. Apparently we'll be getting more due to a typhoon.

It really is pretty. I just hate hate driving in the snow. It's awful. People lose their heads when driving in it too and make all kinds of stupid decisions. Couple that with the fact I live near a high school with idiot teenagers losing their heads in the snow and I turn into an insta-scrooge.