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Random thoughts


I prefer a beautiful glazed ham (not a fan of turkey), mashed taters, stuffing, cranberry sauce, candied yams, apple pie with a crumb topping, and of course the pickles, olives and cheese for snacks that is typical in my family.

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Norwegian tradition.

When I was a little kid I thought everybody was Norwegian, I didn't know we had Swedes too.

We eat lefse rolled up with butter and white sugar.

In Norway they have started using it as a modified hot dog bun.

You need a lefse grill and the special stick to flip it, there is a real art to making it extra thin and moist.

Over the last 30 years the church ladies get together and make large quantities of it.

Store bought lefse is terrible.


Troglodytic Trouvère
Article Team

Norwegian tradition.

When I was a little kid I thought everybody was Norwegian, I didn't know we had Swedes too.

We eat lefse rolled up with butter and white sugar.

In Norway they have started using it as a modified hot dog bun.

You need a lefse grill and the special stick to flip it, there is a real art to making it extra thin and moist.

Over the last 30 years the church ladies get together and make large quantities of it.

Store bought lefse is terrible.

Are Lefse like crêpes? Or do they taste different.


The Caribbean Sea is hitting the shore just a few yards from my villa, and I wake from my travel induced nap to find my wife full of stories.

She rode a bike to town to get rum and yummies and at the 'store' there was a drunk that wouldn't leave so the owner threw a pail of water over his head.

Locals here are super friendly and speak perfect English. The small plane we took was trippy.

The food is awesome.

Very humid.

Time to start writing.

Just one more sip of rum first.
^ Jealous. Right now I am getting up at 6 and to bed at 11. It's either work and study and school and study. 5 more finals then I am done like a guy that is done doing things is done.


^ Jealous. Right now I am getting up at 6 and to bed at 11. It's either work and study and school and study. 5 more finals then I am done like a guy that is done doing things is done.


I've been in the work force for 30 years so I guess I deserve a break. Gotta take advantage of my remaining healthy years, especially since the rates are so cheap.

My laptop is full of ants. I'll have to remember not to write outside at night. Too bad, because the sound of waves induces creativity.

I've been in the work force for 30 years so I guess I deserve a break. Gotta take advantage of my remaining healthy years, especially since the rates are so cheap.

My laptop is full of ants. I'll have to remember not to write outside at night. Too bad, because the sound of waves induces creativity.

Hope they don't chew through your electrical...things. Have a great vacation!


I've hit another significant landmark. As of last night, my WiP novel is now the longest piece of writing I've ever worked on, surpassing my completed novella. Yay! I'd say I'm pretty close to half-way through the plot at this point. It's quite thin in areas and I expect the revision will make the whole thing a good 20,000 words or so longer. I just can't see all the details the first time through. Holy crap, this is a lot of work. No time to stop and wonder whether its any good or not. Just got to keep plowing ahead...


My dog was out in the back yard, barking his fool head off, as dogs are want to do. I went out onto the back deck and yelled at him "You are a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing!" (Yeah, I'm really cool.)

To my surprise, my new backyard neighbour shouts "As I did stand my watch upon the hill, I looked towards the wood, and anon, methought, the wood began to bark."

Naturally I replied, "If thou speakest false, upon the next tree thou shall hang alive."

We both laughed and wished each other a good night (after I apologized for my dog, because I'm Canadian and we apologize to walls when we walk into them, it's kinda our thing).

I think I'm going to like my new neighbour :)


Got to hang with Captain Larry today.

He's certainly a jack of all trades and an artist ta'boot.

Sea captain, poet, rapper, chef.

Says he's almost finished his book of poetry. "It's for the ladies." He said.

Then he recited one of his poems and sang one of his rap compositions.

Very cool person.

It was worth the trip just to meet him.

The waves are hitting the beach hard right now. One of the best sounds in the world.
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I've heard that the shortening days and stuff effect people. Heck every time there's a full moon out my dad will say "There'll be a lot of Crazies out tonight". Heck if we're out doing something and something happens, someone cuts us off in traffic, someone runs across the restaurant for no apparent reason etc, he'll say "One of the Crazies strayed from the pack".

Does anyone feel like such things effect their writing? At this moment I'm writing this post hoping to de-clutter my brain so I can finish one friggin scene before I call it a night. It's been like this all day. Trying, failing. I've tried everything that usually gets my imagination in gear, nothing works. I'm a night owl so the longer nights should get my imagination in overdrive but, alas, my muses are out sick. How do you guys remedy your blocks?


Sometimes the brain needs a break, or maybe you're writing a scene that you find boring but is necessary to the plot; that in itself can raise anxiety.

Moon phase can definitely be a factor, along with job fatigue, lack of sun, poor diet, sleeping patterns, stress, kids screaming, menstrual cycle, etc.

One of the advantages to being older, is the possibility of finding balance in your life through routine, family and the responsibilities that follow. Normal sleeping patterns, a boss to hate, making love, these are just a few of the things that can relieve stress, reduce boredom and make writing seem more precious or exciting.

I have a bad habit of forgetting to drink water. I'll drink a couple of glasses and then the brain starts humming again.

Also, eating tuna and or coconut can unlock dead-bolted creativity.

I know this sounds silly and can be easily taken the wrong way, but sometimes when I need a jolt of inspiration, I watch one of the Victoria's Secret fashion shows that I have recorded.

Watching Shakespeare helps me too.


Troglodytic Trouvère
Article Team
Monday is Red
Tuesday is Yellow
Wednesday is Green
Thursday is Dark Blue
Friday is Light Blue
Saturday is Grey
Sunday is Brown
Well one final down two to go. Blech.

In happier news, I passed an ethics exam required before I can sit for the bar so that's a good thing.
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Anyone around here seen those videos on Youtube called "Don't hug me, I'm scared"? (unable to link at the moment.) I'm not a Youtube nut, so maybe everyone here has already seen this stuff. No idea.

Anyway, they are a kind of faux children's TV show, but very dark and twisted. Not offensive, but maybe a little disturbing. My kind of humor, through and through. They had me in tears last night. I've only watched the first three so far--I just couldn't take any more. I'll watch the next two tonight. Awesome, mind-warping stuff, but likely not for all tastes.