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Random thoughts


My sister just discovered Pitch Perfect. She's practicing the Cup song and is currently youtube-ing the songs from the next computer. So now her career choice is to be an Olympic gymnast and an award-winning a cappella singer. It's amazing the influence some movies have on people.


Myth Weaver
I got off work a little earlier than usual today and used the extra time to swing by the library on the way home. Saw better than half a dozen brand new fantasy / SF books on the shelves, read the first chapter or two...then it hit me.

All of the fantasy books featured royal intrigue as a major element. The kingdom was always at stake. After a bit I started to wonder...a lot of the fantasy from decades past was pretty much a rip-off of Tolkien's LOTR. This current crop seems to owe a lot to Martins 'Game of Thrones.'

Two of the SF books were variants on the 'Generation Starship Tale.' Problem with that, unless you get real creative (and there are past SF authors who have done so), the stories are either set at the very beginning or near the end of the voyage.

In the end, I didn't check out any of the books.

X Equestris

Found a scorpion in our bathroom. Lots of shivers were had.

Funny thing is, I've been writing a story set in a desert that has both actual scorpions and manticores in it. I guess I have some first hand experience now.

Legendary Sidekick

The HAM'ster
Ahh... Technology free in the White Mountains. Oops...er...almost. Well, just wanted to check in to say that spending a week offline is good for the creative process. I'm only on today because I'm taking an online course and had to post before midnight. While I'm here, I just want to give a shoutout to Reaver for suggesting I put my WIP aside for a week. Not only did that pay off in terms of quality family time, but the added bonus is the WIP benefits as well. I have such a clear vision, some of which I jotted down (the parts I'd otherwise forget).

Okay, so that's my thought for the day. Back to roughing it... which just means going offline. I'm in a luxury condo. Let people without two-year-olds or city-girl wives or minds that work differently than mine sleep where the bears poop.

Oh, I really do gotta go! I'm on lemonade duty.... Hoo, sure is rough in the mountains. Someone always pours the lemonade for me back home. I'll survive somehow. Later!


It's funny how, even though you're supposed to write most every day, occassionaly not writing for a while is better for your writing, which you should be keeping up on except when its a better idea not to for a while so that it is that much better when you do... This stuff hurts my fragile brain--best not to think about it too much.


Werewolf (a.k.a. Arizona Werewolf) is my favorite.

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This morning I walked down to the railroad crossing to wait and watch for the Nickel Plate 765, an historic steam train passing through from Bison Yard en route to Corning.

There's nothing like watching a steam train barrel down the tracks towards you, guys.

You hear that unique two-toned brass whistle first, and then see the gray smoke billowing above the treeline as the engine approaches. Then it rounds the bend and it's just...magnificent. You just feel so tiny and insignificant as it barrels past you, pistons churning and wheels flashing, the ground shaking beneath your feet. Then, when it's gone, you stand there for a few moments in awe, listening to the rails shiver in its wake.

Wow, now that was cool.


Visiting family in California was without cell service for the past two days. I have to deal with this until August 12. Only way I have cell service and data is because we drove to Sacramento for the day now we are heading back to where we are staying so I will be back without technology except for tv.

Legendary Sidekick

The HAM'ster
Sometimes being a dad means having your daughter's arms wrapped tightly around your neck as her cartoon is interrupted by a tornado warning. I wanted to show her a funnel cloud, since it was distant and not fully formed or close enough to the ground to cause any tragic destruction, but sometimes being a dad means knowing what not to show your child.

And sometimes—yup, back to your show, Sweetie—when you've done a good job as a dad, you need to reward yourself. And that's why, now that my daughter's finally let go of my neck and is back to watching Odd Squad with her sisters, I'm gonna reward myself with a small handful of Cape Cod potato chips.


I'm Legendary Sidekick *crunch* anh I'rmh a lrrgrrndrry drrd.
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Legendary Sidekick

The HAM'ster
Earlier today, my 5-year-old was terrified of tornados. Now she's looking forward to a visit from the Tooth Fairy. (She always leaves a note.)


Guys, the Karate Kid is awesome. That is all.
Which one?
The original? The sequals, the next Karate kid? the remake(Karate kid 2010(Kung fu kid)?
Karate kid, Karate kid 2(Revenge of Cobra-kai), Karate kid (goes to Okinawa) 3,Karate kid 4(Next Karate kid) Karate kid 5 (Kung fu kid with Jayden Smith and Jackie Chan)


Random thought:
We should all be aware of punctuation, remember life began with a missed period, and it became an exclamation point, with a question mark on the future.


I agree with Severin. Punctuation is just as important as the words you choose to use. One example I give my students is:

A woman without her man is nothing.


A woman, without her, man is nothing.

As you can see adding punctuation can flip the sentence's meaning on it's head!

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