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Have to say I was amazed that my question was deleted. It is a perfectly natural question for this thread and not remotely explicit. I didn't ask people to describe in gory details how their writing made them feel - I simply asked did they feel anything. This is critical to the type of writing we're discussing.

I didn't see your question, but if the mods junked it, there's a good reason. Also, I'm guessing it wasn't so much the question itself as what the question could lead to.
For whatever reason, the mods seem to be very wary of any variant of a word that rhymes with "faster skate". Questions that discuss rape, torture, etc. may remain intact, but questions that contain that word or reference the idea behind it don't seem to last for very long.



Faster Skate. I now have a new favorite euphemism. I had to give you rep for that.


The downside of not having English as mother tongue: I'm still scratching my head. D:
I can think in one possibility, but it doesn't sounds too polemic to my ears.


I think Feo means that sometimes you reach your destination faster when you skate alone. :wink:


Ooooooooooooh. LOL. Now I feel like...



Article Team
Oh gosh the mods are going to erase this but I can't stop my fingers from typing. :eek: I just faster skated here and boy are my arms tired.

Sorry Sorry.... sorry ... sorry... sorry...:ifeellikecrap:


Isn't this supposed to be a serious thread?

Personally, if i include some sort of sex scene, i'm not gonna go into explicit details, even though i am capable of doing so. I find that it derails the story from moving and forces it to stay still when you go into too much detail.

Caged Maiden

Article Team
I'll have to stop using that word now... I often speak of fasterskating as a method of some writers who use their words to please themselves rather than a reader. Like this: "I met a guy once who wrote his whole book in Orcish and then included a glossary in the back so you could look up words and translate them. What in the world was he thinking? If that's not a case of appalling fasterskation, I don't know what is. No reader would want to rad the book from a glossary!"

I'll have to curb my felonious use of the word....

Okay back on track...

I read historical romance. I totally understand how words can make even a seasoned reader like me blush and feel awkward. Some of those novels are trashy beyond reason. But, I like the graphic nature of my love scenes. I try very hard to express the real way two people interact and it's a part of life. Sure I might say something like, "She slipped her hand down the back of his trousers..." Without being graphic... but I feel like the way the characters interact needs to be genuine. As humans, we are drawn to other people, especially ones we're attracted to. While I'm not advocating putting love scenes into every story because it's not called for, I'm just saying that the scenes I write that go the distance deserve the justice their weight carries. :) There's nothing in my stories that should actually arouse a reader, and I would feel sort of icky if they did inspire someone to for some reason act out the events... weird. but, I think avoiding the graphic nature of the male-female dynamic can be as much a disservice to a love story as maybe going a tad overboard.

I didn't mean for that to be personally directed at anyone, I realize I sort of did it. I just wanted to let people know it's okay to either write the scenes for real or gloss over them. It should be more about what the author is comfortable with than perhaps the almost derogatory way of saying, "I'll never do THAT." I've done it. And I love it. There's ways to write sexy scenes with class. I think the intent will show.
@Caged Maiden: That's the appropriate use of that word though -_- like how I describe Quentin Tarentino's directorial style. Anytime I watch one of his films, although enjoyable, I can never stop feeling like I am watching Quentin Tarentino fasterskate over every scene.

Caged Maiden

Article Team
haha @ Zero

I think I've fully transmuted and adopted fasterskation as a replacement for the original word. At least on this site. Of course, I'll still use the term self-gratification for lesser degrees, but fasterskation is definitely what some artists do. The Tarantino example is classic. It's sucky that the words we use to describe our feelings will inevitably lead to unwanted traffic from people looking for... other things on the internet.

To any and all languages I've offended... English language, you were bastard before we ever met, but I tender my sincere apology.

I do really feel passionate about the original posting. I feel badly that we've gone so far off track. I know we can't really post specifics on this site for many reasons, not the least of which is unwanted traffic, so let me put forth a suggestion. I do a lot of crits for people in email and share a lot of work as well. If anyone has an intimate scene they'd like to share or have critted, let's do it. Shall we air our dirtiest laundry? I don't want to post my email address on this page, but I'm willing to read and give a crit to anyone struggling with this concept and am happy to share mine. Let's take this to email if you all want. We can exchange email addresses in chat or PM. I think there are a lot of young or timid people here who have brought this up several times and I just want to say, "Don't be embarrassed or avoid love stories because you're afraid to write the nitty-gritty details of it. For many readers, intimate scenes lend credence to a relationship or ambiance to a scenario. i've read a ton of romance novels. I daresay, nothing frightens or upsets me. Sure, it'll be a tad weird to read a scene like that out of context, but I've shared my intimate scenes with a few people and their crits were amazingly helpful. Like, which words put them off or how much detail struck a good balance. If these are serious concerns people have, we can easily move this to email and allow people who need help and are afraid to ask for it, a safe place free of judgement.


By the way, your male vamp has satyriasis, only women can be nymphomaniacs, I believe. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Never knew the words were specific to gender.
In some fantasy movies(b or worse) they seem to throw in nudity or sex for no other reason then to have them in the movie, and I think in some fantasy books they do it for the same reason. Their tough or angelic character decides to give herself to the male main character, or even worse just some handsome extra.

Have not written sex scenes yet. Most of my WIPs are "coming of age" and their sexuality is not the center learning.
Maybe the second book of each might.
I have a womanizer secondary character, with implied actions, that character goes on and on about his friend at the bar that is really a dragon changeling, that is trying to turndown an ammorous female. "He likes the big girls!"(dragons) Until the female main character finally yells at him.
Thats another aspect of sexuality, why animals/beasts would want to have sex with human/humanoid females. He finds females interesting to talk to, but would never think of sex with them.
I sometimes think sex is throwing a bone to the "stereotypical nerds", the ones that read comic books, never seen female naked, and worked on computers, before computers were normal. I think alot of people outside the genre, still think fantasy genre are made up of these people, thus they feel they have to include the grat. sex scene or at least show the hot female MC topless, if not regularly dressed up in tight revealing leather or plate armor.