Bad movies....bad movies.....I'm movie-lover as much as a book-lover so it's kind of hard. I usually find something enjoyable about every movie I see, even if they're horrors.
But in the sense of movie-adaptions of books, the worst would be Eragon. No disrespect to Chris Paolini, he's a great author but no one's work deserves to be butchered like that. There were only three scenes in that movie I enjoyed; baby Saphira, Saphira dissing Brom as he examines her, and of course she and Eragon flying.
I know that when adapting a written work to a film you have to really look to find the best way to convey the entire story to the screen and there's a time limit for a film. But Lord of the Rings is almost a hundred pages shorter than Eragon but the movie not only did it justice but did so in a respectable time.
Bad movie-movies, that's something else...I try not to remember those. And apparently I succeed. I'll get back to this thread if I come across one.
But in the sense of movie-adaptions of books, the worst would be Eragon. No disrespect to Chris Paolini, he's a great author but no one's work deserves to be butchered like that. There were only three scenes in that movie I enjoyed; baby Saphira, Saphira dissing Brom as he examines her, and of course she and Eragon flying.
I know that when adapting a written work to a film you have to really look to find the best way to convey the entire story to the screen and there's a time limit for a film. But Lord of the Rings is almost a hundred pages shorter than Eragon but the movie not only did it justice but did so in a respectable time.
Bad movie-movies, that's something else...I try not to remember those. And apparently I succeed. I'll get back to this thread if I come across one.