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This or That?

Tough one. Salvatore, though I love Rowling. They are both amazing, but Salvatore is probably my favorite of all time.

Music festival: On the beach (Hangout) or campout (Bonnaroo)?

Edit: Ninja'd. Never seen Ides of March, but it was filmed on my brother's college campus, which is kinda cool. How was it? And I'd go with Clooney, more good movies.

Oh, and the question stands.
It was mildly entertaining. This is coming from someone who totally agrees with Clooney's character's politics, so it's not like I objected to it on those grounds. It was just, sorta, okay, that was fine, I guess. I think one problem is that we don't know much about the main character (Gosling). He doesn't have a whole lot of personality. Which is too bad; I like Gosling. I thought he was great in Crazy. Stupid. Love.


Well since the Android didn't answer the Dwarf's question, I suppose I will: CAMPOUT (what the hell is Bonnaroo?) Much as I like the beach, I prefer the woods.

Giraffes or Okapis?


Giraffes. I got to feed one a few years ago.

@Reaver: I agree with you on the woods vs. beach thing, and I've no idea what a Bonnaroo is or does or whatever.

Cops or The First 48?


The First 48. That whole process is fascinating to me. Cops is just lame.

Badgers or wolverines?


Badgers. I read a lot of Brian Jacques' stuff when I was a kid. It still sticks with me for some reason. (Eulaliaaaaaaaaaaaaa!)

City studio or rural cottage?

Legendary Sidekick

The HAM'ster
Tough one. Salvatore
Ninja'd or not, you tied it up for the hometown hero! (My hometown, anyway.)

But I agree with Ben's one-trick-pony comment. She became richer than the queen off of her first trick. She doesn't need additional ponies.

I'm going with Snow White, but not because I'm a guy or something like that. Prince Charming's a lamo. He just gallops into town and kisses Snow White and she's his? I don't even get the lesson here... ignore the short guys who took the time to know you "as a friend" and jump into the arms of some rich guy you don't know? So come to think of it, Snow White's really very shallow. But she still wins over Prince Charming because when he kissed her, he thought she was dead. What a creep!

I forbid my daughters from ever watching this garbage again!

Worst cartoon episode from my childhood:

The Mighty Mouse Episode that takes place in a science lab and ends with a cat lying dead, engulfed in flames...


...the G.I. Joe episode that contains a scene in which Major Blood and his squad shrink to the size of action figures, hide in a closet at Wild Bill's house, then shoot him with tiny Cobra Rattlers, knocking him out cold?

Legendary Sidekick

The HAM'ster
Everyone knows... what race celebrates eleventy-first birthdays.

What race celebrates eleventy-first birthdays?

I stand corrected!

And my question just... stands:

Worst cartoon episode from my childhood:

The Mighty Mouse Episode that takes place in a science lab and ends with a cat lying dead, engulfed in flames...


...the G.I. Joe episode that contains a scene in which Major Blood and his squad shrink to the size of action figures, hide in a closet at Wild Bill's house, then shoot him with tiny Cobra Rattlers, knocking him out cold?


Fiery Keeper of the Hat
...the G.I. Joe episode that contains a scene in which Major Blood and his squad shrink to the size of action figures, hide in a closet at Wild Bill's house, then shoot him with tiny Cobra Rattlers, knocking him out cold?

That. Did G. I. Joe characters actually shrink down to the size of action figures? That's just bad, in epic proportions.

Gnomes or Hobbits?


Gnomes. They're cuter.

Gnomes are cuter? Dude, did you or did you not see Rosie Cotton in LOTR?
I mean, Sparkie, buddy...C'mon man!

In answer to your question: Les Paul.

Who was worse for poor King Arthur: Guinevere or Morgan le Fay?



Morgan le fey

As for the what race celebrates eleventy-first birthdays, I would keep in mind a lot of races do. Its just they don't call it that, and the one that does was robbed in this thread. ROBBED I TELL YOU!

Yoda or Superman? (random I know)


As for the what race celebrates eleventy-first birthdays, I would keep in mind a lot of races do. Its just they don't call it that, and the one that does was robbed in this thread. ROBBED I TELL YOU!

Yoda or Superman? (random I know)

Jeez. Can't please anyone.

But on to the random but still very good question.

Yoda. Ya gotta root for the little guy!

Crow or Tom Servo?
Reaver, Hangout and Bonnaroo are both music festivals. Bonnaroo is a campout in Tennessee and Hangout is on the beach in Gulf Shores, AL.

As for the question, can megalon fly? I'm taking Mothra.

Breaking Bad or Game of Thrones?