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This or That?

Legendary Sidekick

The HAM'ster
I was going to say "hot tub" because I'm cold... but then I remembered a time when I was 15 when I swam in an indoor/outdoor pool at a ski resort. I got out of the pool, made snow angels, then won a snowball fight with one of my dad's friend's friends. He was wearing a grape smuggler, so he deserved to be humiliated by a skinny kid in normal swimwear.



Best announcer from the 20th century*:
The Street Fighter II computer-generated voice or Mean Gene Green?

*I mean best of those two choices... don't butterfly me for not coming up with better options. This is "this or that?", not "this, that or the other thing?", the other thing being the thing I didn't think of!
Neither, the dude from NBA street... oh, fine. Street Fighter. He was pretty intense.

Electric or accoustic? (ok, I'll say guitar, but wasn't that obvious?)


First I have to say that I love this website! Especially threads like this:D In answer to the Legendary One's question. Rock Band 3 Made it more complicated. There are just too many reasons why.

Super Metroid or Super Castlevania?

Legendary Sidekick

The HAM'ster

Okay... it wasn't just me then. I only played Rock Band 3 once, and wasn't sure if I was just tired of playing fake drums, or what. Maybe mine was a loaded question, but it seems the franchise is circling the drain. Sad to see.

I was once at a Boston game developers meeting, which was run by one of the Harmonix guys. I THINK this was 2003, but whatever the year, it was before Guitar Hero had a name. The guy running the meeting had a name, but I forgot what it was. What I remember was his enthusiasm... the whole team was really into the idea. You could tell they were going to be a Boston-based success story just by the energy level.

They made the whole meeting lively, asking everyone for intros + favorite genre. I still remember the 70-year-old man who grumbled, "I don't play video games, I fund them." He spent about an hour or so offering to "fund" the concept for a very attractive 22-year-old Russian girl... never did ask about my concept or any of the other guys' projects.

Anyway, sorry to rant... it's not like I know the Harmonix guys or even talked to them much back in the day, but when I played RB2, it validated the brilliance I saw in them before they unleashed Guitar Hero (and sold it and unleashed its competitor).

When I played RB3, I kinda died a little inside.


Super Metroid by a narrow margin. Super Castlevania had better music, and both were about as much fun... but Super Metroid is the more memorable game overall.

(I'm just catching up on the Metroid franchise now... played Other M a couple months ago, now going through Prime 3!)

THE TEST OF TIME: Back to the Future or Terminator?


Felis amatus
I'll go with Terminator, definitely. Loved that movie when it came out, and I still enjoy it. Back to the Future was fun, but it isn't something I'd go back to watch multiple times.

Sticking with movies:



Curses! Ninja'd again!

Aliens--but only because I'm a former Marine.

Altered Beast or Ghosts n' Goblins?
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Both of these are pretenders to Double Dragon. But if I had to choose, Streets of Rage.

Ukeleles or Banjos?

Legendary Sidekick

The HAM'ster
Dishwashing by a landslide! I'm the only male in the house, and that includes my mother-in-law!

Least likely to discuss in public: religion or politics?


Felis amatus
I'll discuss either one, happily. But I'll go with religion because it comes up less often.

Ninjas or samurai?


Fiery Keeper of the Hat
That's a tough one. Both were kind of humiliated in my eyes on Deadliest Warrior. I'm going to go with Samurai.

Karate or Kung Fu?


Felis amatus
That's a tough one. Both were kind of humiliated in my eyes on Deadliest Warrior. I'm going to go with Samurai.

Karate or Kung Fu?

Tough call. I guess I'll go with Kung Fu, since I had so much fun watching all those old Kung Fu movies growing up!

A-10 Thunderbolt II, or the AV-8B Harrier II?


Fiery Keeper of the Hat
McDonnell Douglas AV-8B Harrier II. Gotta go with the newer model.

Would you rather . . . design your own fantasy apocalypse and have it actually happen to Earth, or be eaten by a dragon?

Legendary Sidekick

The HAM'ster
I'll be eaten by Trogdor. (And the dragon comes in the niiiiiiiight...!)

If you win a free plane ticket to somewhere in the Eastern and also the Northern hemisphere:
Europe or Asia? (Optional: specifiy country/ies.)


Asia, namely Japan. Always wanted to go there. So much weird stuff to be found.

Alice in Chains, or Soundgarden?
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Alice in Chains. Not even close.. eeee-eee- eeee-in myyyy eyes (now you sew them shut)... Okay maybe that wasn't that funny.

Thundercats Or Silverhawks?