My favourite dragon book [if it can even be called that] is Tehanu, with possibly Seraphina as #2, though I don't have many dragon books.
Can anyone recommend fantasy novels with dragons? I like medieval style, too. If anyone has recommendations that would be sweet.
I'm surprised that no-one up to now has mentioned Guards! Guards! by Terry Pratchett.Can anyone recommend fantasy novels with dragons? I like medieval style, too. If anyone has recommendations that would be sweet.
I'm surprised that no-one up to now has mentioned Guards! Guards! by Terry Pratchett.
That has now been remedied.
I'm surprised that no-one up to now has mentioned Guards! Guards! by Terry Pratchett.
That has now been remedied.
I really like the Dragon. It remains feeling alien but also driven by very believable needs...I thought about it, but I don't really think it was a very interesting dragon. Everything else around the dragon is great, but the dragon is rather boring.
Can anyone recommend fantasy novels with dragons? I like medieval style, too. If anyone has recommendations that would be sweet.
^Sorry to bug you--did you get my message?
I'm reading the second Emily of New Moon book.
I finished Strange the Dreamer a couple days ago. Overall, it was a pretty good book. But there were some things that bugged me. The aforementioned crappy monks and the fact that you can't tell it's not a standalone book until you get to the end and it's all "surprise! the story doesn't end here!" But also just so much description of kissing. There's zero romance until you get more than halfway through and then suddenly she's devoting pages and pages to the two MCs kissing and being all lovey-dovey. And just... that's not what I was reading for. The romance itself was fine but the sheer amount of time spent describing feelings and such became really tedious.
I'm now reading The Blue Sword by Robin McKinley. I picked up that and The Hero and the Crown pretty cheap on amazon. This is the first book by McKinley I have read. The writing is a bit clunky. But so far it's ok.
Robin McKinley--I think The Blue Sword shows some signs of being an early novel. On the other hand, books like Sunshine and Deerskin are excellent.
Agreed--although I have an immense amount of nostalgia for The Blue Sword, as it was one of my first fantasy loves. I'd also recommend Rose Daughter. Not for everyone, very slow and fairytale, but definitely for me. Chalice too, one of her more recent novels, although it's short. I've always had a serious crush on Robin McKinley's writing.