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Favorite Moment/Scene in Fantasy/Sci-Fi Novel/Movie


The ending scene in Inception (is he still dreaming?) is really great but my favorite scene is from Lord of the rings return of the king when the Rohan army comes to save Minas Tirith. It is simply marvelous. My jaw drops every time.


Myth Weaver
A great moment from the BBC series Sherlock, spoken by the titular detective to Dr. Watson: "I don't have friends, John. I only have one." Meaning, of course, Watson himself. D'awww.


The last tenth of Excalibur is, quite possibly, the finest moment of fantasy filming. This will become obvious upon viewing, just because of how cliche it is now.

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Myth Weaver
"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain."
The death of Roy Batty
So it is Blade Runner for me...
Yoda pays the new emperor a visit:

The entire confrontation is pure awesome, really, but that moment in particular is pure win.
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I really like the scene in the movie Ladyhawke when Philippe Gaston "a.k.a. the mouse" escapes from the dungeons of Aquila, he uses a sewage pipe barely large enough (and actually it seems too small for him to fit through)... "This is not unlike escaping my mother's womb. God, what a memory."

That was one of my favorite lines of all time, lol!


Felis amatus
*Warning for comedic / over-the-top gore*

Ash's hand has been taken over by some kind of evil dead thing, and it wants to do him in. For some reason, the hand makes little laughing sounds. What follows is a slapstick scene of the hand trying to eliminate Ash, as well as the great line "Uh huh...that's right...who's laughing now?" A little later (not in this scene), Ash traps the severed hand under a bucket and puts a stack of books on top of the bucket to keep the hand from escaping. The top book is...A Farewell to Arms :)

Just doesn't get campier than this.

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Quick question for those that were adults during Star Wars the first time. Did the "Darth Vader" meaning "Dark Father" thing clue anybody in?


Quick question for those that were adults during Star Wars the first time. Did the "Darth Vader" meaning "Dark Father" thing clue anybody in?

Not until I was much older. I was just a kid when they first came out.

I don't remember anyone really talking about associations like that until years later. But, like I said, I was only a young boy. Maybe some people more senior could comment on this from an adult perspective at the time.


Felis amatus
Quick question for those that were adults during Star Wars the first time. Did the "Darth Vader" meaning "Dark Father" thing clue anybody in?

From what I understand, that was coincidental with respect to his identity as Luke’s father, an idea that occurred later.


Quick question for those that were adults during Star Wars the first time. Did the "Darth Vader" meaning "Dark Father" thing clue anybody in?

Well, see, the whole Darth Vader thing harkens back to an age when George Lucas was a genius and actually cared about what he wrote. He scribbled the prequels on a notepad and used the first draft. That's why there's no discernible plot in any of them.


The Darth Vader scene from Empire is probably the greatest of all time.

i also like Roy Batty's final scene in Blade Runner. many hate the voice over version, but this narration is amazing in my opinion.

Deckard: [narrating] I don't know why he saved my life. Maybe in those last moments he loved life more than he ever had before. Not just his life - anybody's life; my life. All he'd wanted were the same answers the rest of us want. Where did I come from? Where am I going? How long have I got? All I could do was sit there and watch him die.


I thought the prequels sucked for Star Wars because Lucas didn't have anyone fixing his bad writing? Also. For the Ewoks in Empire, why do people wonder how they got their name? IMDB says that they might not have named the creatures in the movie, but they did in the credits.


I've got a list:

The mountain swordfight between Inigo and Westley in The Princess Bride

This line from Inception: "No. They come to be woken up. The dream has become their reality. Who are you to say otherwise?"

The treetop swordfight between Li Mu Bai and Jen in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

The scene in Princess Mononoke when Nago bursts out of the forest with all those demonic worm-thingys crawling out of him

The lightsaber duel between Luke and Vader in The Empire Strikes Back

All of the Helms Deep stuff in The Two Towers

The sword/gunfight between Spike and Vicious in the Cowboy Bebop episode "Ballad of the Fallen Angels"

The opening scene of Beauty and the Beast

The battle between Prince Phillip and Maleficent in Sleeping Beauty

Tim Curry in Stephen King's It: "I am the eater of worlds, and of children!"

And, of course, Miracle Max.